“The story follows Boldicub, a fearless fox cub, as it roams
the woods with boundless courage, exploring its
surroundings heedless of the warnings about lurking
dangers. However, a single decision leaves Boldicub lost
and vulnerable, disconnected from familiar scents and the
comforts of home. This captivating tale also serves as a
poignant reminder of the pressing need to safeguard our
environment and preserve the wonders of the natural world
for generations to come.”
The love for chocolate and dogs is inseparable for Masoud, and it is probably the reason that he realized books are as delicious as chocolate! So far, Masoud has written many children's books in Iran and his work Great as a Button received the Little Peeps Book Award for Early Readers and Children's Picture Books.
"Ghazaleh Bigdelo who has illustrated this book believes that things like her name and place of origin aren't the most significant aspects. What truly matters to her is engaging in activities that bring immense joy. Creating something truly special is her passion, and she cherishes the ability to choose what she wants to create. Upon reading this book, she became so captivated that she believed turning it into pictures could be an awesome job."